Saturday, April 17, 2010

Working for the Honey

" Keep yourself Busy with something or the other, Because a busy person never has time to be unhappy"

This is from my recent experience wherein I realized the above quote.... till a couple of weeks I spent the time I had with two of my friends (a lot i guess)....
during that time all I did was to keep them and myself happy....
but then something happened which made me realize, Frankly speaking when I was there to help them they weren't there to lend me a hand when I needed...

likewise once you realize that what your doing is not worth I presume you stop so I did.

Then it occurred to me that I had loads of time, which I am making productive use of and in turn has made me happier than before...

So keep yourself busy in one way or the other....


  1. awesome flow of thoughts :)
    can totally relate with what u have to say..

  2. A idle mind is a devils workshop.
    This is something I believe in strongly.

    And plus keeping urself busy and engaged solves half ur problem of brooding and feeling low.

